Brightwhiz is the digital media project and channel primarily about software technology such as Software Development, Reverse Engineering, Web Development, Creative Coding, Mobile Computing, Computer Graphics, Interactive Media and Digital Arts.
We are also committed to covering programming languages with the main focus on C++, Assembly Languages, JavaScript and its frameworks. Other related and non-related topics are or may be covered whenever appropriate.
This site which is one of the projects of Sobbayi aims to talk about and spread useful information on the topics mentioned above in not just a light but also in an in-depth manner.
This sharing is done in the form of tutorials, articles, guides, tips, tricks, hacks, image galleries, infographics, news, event mentions, videos, product and technology reviews, webcasts, podcasts, YouTube and Vimeo channels among others.
Sobbayi was founded in January 2004 as Sobbayi Interactive and has always been a family firm that believes in creating products that are made with integrity by people who care about quality.
Content is published frequently on the Bright Whiz site by the site owners and contributors as well as external guest contributors now and again.
Sobbayi is committed to providing free quality content that is useful and easily digestible for the common internet user to consume.
We aim to provide this quality content in the form of written articles, news, tutorials, and guides as well as the same in the form of audio, podcasts, video, webcasts and infographics.
There are risks you have to take and it does not always work out as planned, but you cannot sit back and give up.
Founder and Owner: Steve Obbayi
About Sobbayi Founder
Steve is just an Assembly dork and C++ Enthusiast, loving Software, Graphics and Reverse Engineering, 3D Graphics and Mountaineering