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Enabling SSH on Ubuntu 22.04: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Enabling SSH (Secure Shell) on Ubuntu 22.04 allows you to securely access your system remotely, facilitating various administrative tasks and enabling remote file transfers. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of enabling SSH on Ubuntu 22.04, ensuring a secure and efficient remote access solution.

Step 1: Install OpenSSH Server

If OpenSSH server is not already installed on your Ubuntu 22.04 system, you can install it using the following command:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install openssh-server

This command will update the package index and then install the OpenSSH server package.

Step 2: Start the SSH Service

After installing the OpenSSH server, it should start automatically. However, if it doesn’t, you can start the SSH service manually using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl start ssh

You can also enable SSH to start automatically at boot time:

$ sudo systemctl enable ssh

Step 3: Verify SSH Service Status

To verify that the SSH service is running properly, you can check its status using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl status ssh

If the SSH service is running, you should see an output indicating that it’s active and running.

Step 4: Configure Firewall

If you have a firewall enabled on your Ubuntu system, such as UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall), you’ll need to allow SSH traffic. You can do this by enabling the SSH service:

$ sudo ufw allow ssh

Step 5: Access Your System via SSH

With SSH enabled and configured, you can now access your Ubuntu 22.04 system remotely from another computer using an SSH client. Use the following command to connect to your Ubuntu system:

$ ssh username@hostname_or_IP_address

Replace username with your username on the Ubuntu system, and hostname_or_IP_address with the hostname or IP address of your Ubuntu system.


Enabling SSH on Ubuntu 22.04 provides a secure and convenient way to access your system remotely. By following these steps, you can set up SSH quickly and efficiently, allowing for seamless remote administration and file transfers. Remember to keep your SSH credentials secure and regularly update your system to maintain a robust security posture.

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