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12th Annual .NET Conf 2022 Virtual Event
November 8, 2022 - November 10, 2022
The 12th annual .NET Conf 2022 virtual event takes place online from November 8–10, 2022 discussing the new in .NET 7.
With over 100 thousand live viewers over a course of three days, there will be a wide selection of live sessions that feature speakers from the community and .NET team members. The first day introduces .NET 7 then on day 2 they dive deeper into all the features of .NET rolling over into day 3.
Topics include .NET Conf 2022 Keynote: Welcome to .NET 7, State of the Web, Blazor in .NET 7, Making the Most of Minimal APIs in .NET 7, New features for building modern high-performance services, State of Azure + .NET, The Whirlwind Tour of Building .NET Apps in Azure, Building Serverless Applications with .NET 7 and Azure functions, Azure Container Apps with .NET, State of .NET MAUI, Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI (.NET 7 edition), .NET at StackOverflow, Using .NET to build the .NET website, ASP.NET Core and Orleans 4 for cloud native distributed web apps, What’s New in C# 11, Let’s design a new C# language feature!, Performance Improvements in .NET 7, .NET Architects Panel, Building a Blazor component, Testing Blazor Applications with Playwright, GitHub Universe + .NET Conf Epic Crossover, Boost your .NET productivity with Low Code Tools, Rapidly create a front-end for your web APIs with Microsoft Power Apps, Post notifications to Microsoft Teams with .NET using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio,
Others are Accelerate your WinUI 3 app with the Windows Community Toolkit, Modernize your WPF and Windows Forms application with Blazor, Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7, Using CoreWCF to unblock modernization of WCF apps, High-performance services with gRPC: What’s new in .NET 7, Upgrading Xamarin apps to .NET MAUI, CSS Techniques for Blazor Developers, Accepting Payments with Stripe Checkout, The Power of Polyglot Notebooks, Slaying Zombie ‘No Repro’ Crashes with Infer#, .NET Interop Improvements in .NET 7, Performance benefits of .NET 7 for Web Applications, Migrate Your Legacy ASP.NET Projects to ASP.NET Core Incrementally with YARP, Deep Learning in .NET, T4 goodness with Entity Framework Core 7, From RESTful HTTP API to gRPC, Human-readable Razor views with ASP.NET 7 Tag Helpers, Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 7, Tips and tricks on platform-code implementation in .NET MAUI,
Finally we have Aloha .NET MAUI Community Toolkit, Pushing C# to new places with NativeAOT, Authorization in a Distributed / Microservice System, Down the Oregon Trail with Functional C#, .NET 7, Docker, K8S and Azure DevOps, Leverage the power of the GPU, DX12 and D2D1 with ease using ComputeSharp, Using Durable Azure Functions in .NET 7, Performance tricks I learned from contributing to the Azure .NET SDK, Building a .NET SDK library with Open API and NSwag, WatchDog: What’s New in Open-source Logging, Dynamically adding functionality to ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Basics for Experts, .NET Configuration In Depth, Networking in .NET 7.0, Creating Business Applications Using Azure Maps, Building .NET apps on WSL, Using .NET with Chiseled Ubuntu Containers, .NET GUI Applications for Embedded Linux Using Containers, Leveling up data: Upgrade from EF6 to EF7 and blast off!, Navigating Graphs in Azure Cosmos DB using Gremlin.Net, Event Sourcing with Marten and Postgresql, Announcing ML.NET 2.0, Machine learning models with ONNX and .NET, Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor and .NET, Lessons learnt using DevContainers to code apps anywhere, anytime, Building Accessible Apps with .NET MAUI, Making Technology More Accessible with .NET and AI, Build games with C# and Visual Studio, Creating Games with .NET and Unity.
Sepakers include Safia Abdalla, Software Engineer on the ASP.NET Core team, Michele Aponte, CTO Improove Skills / MVP Developer Technologies & AI / Founder Blazor Developer Italiani, Roberta Arcoverde, Director of Engineering at Stack Overflow, Chris Ayers, Senior Customer Engineer @ Microsoft, Ayca Bas, Microsoft, Senior Cloud Advocate, Luis Beltran, Microsoft MVP, Henk Boelman, Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, Reuben Bond, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft, Dustin Campbell, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft, Anthony Cangialosi, Matheus Castello, Embedded Software Developer, Toradex AG, Fabio Cavalcante, Engineering Team – Azure Functions, Ed Charbeneau, Microsoft MVP and an international speaker, writer, online influencer, a Developer Advocate for Progress., Matt Connew, Matt Connew, Software Developer, .NET, Ryan Demopoulous, Alex Dunn, Chief Product Officer at Voicify and Founder of Enabled Play, Sarah Dutkiewicz, Wife, mom, techie, Damian Edwards, Product Architect on the .NET team at Microsoft, Erik Ejlskov Jensen, .NET Data and Entity Framework expert, Cloud developer, Dino Esposito, CTO, Crionet, Jb Evain, Game Developers, @VisualStudio, @dotnet , @Microsoft, Vahid Farahmandian, Chief Software Engineer, Niels Filter, Senior software developer @ kohde, David Fowler, Jon Galloway, Program Manager, .NET Community Team, Brady Gaster, Principal Program Manager, .NET, Karuana Gatimu, Customer Advocacy Group, Microsoft Teams Engineering, Olia Gavrysh, Kevin Gosse, Staff Software Engineer @ Datadog, Stephen Halter, Microsoft Software Developer, Scott Hanselman, Michael Hawker, Senior Software Llama Microsoft, Melissa Houghton, Lead Software Engineer and DevRel at Azenix | Microsoft MVP Developer Technologies | Community Organiser | International Speaker, Scott Hunter, Microsoft – VP Director Program Management, Azure, Mikayla Hutchinson, #dotnet @ Microsoft, Matthew Jin, Senior Applied Scientist, Halil İbrahim Kalkan, Co-Founder at Volosoft, and Rachel Kang (SHE/HER), Software Engineer @ Microsoft | Xamarin.Forms.
Other speakers are Julia Kasper, Extending low-code solutions with code-first components, Chris Klug, Developer Badass-as-a-Service, Jeremy Koritzinsky, Software Engineer on the .NET Interop Team @ Microsoft, Jérôme Laban, CTO @ Uno Platform, Richard Lander, Program Managed on the .NET Core Team, Eilon Lipton, .NET engineer at Microsoft, Xiaoyu Liu, Senior Applied Scientist, Data & AI, Microsoft, Kinfey Lo, Microsoft, Daniel Marbach, Software Engineer, Microsoft MVP, Beth Massi, Principal Product Manager, .NET MAUI @Microsoft, Jeremy Miller, Senior Director of Software Architecture, MedeAnalytics, John Miller, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft, James Montemagno, Principal Program Manager – Developer Community, Microsoft, Mike Morton, Azure Container Apps – The best!, Shane Neuville, Heather Newman, James Newton-King, Developer on the ASP.NET team and author of Json.NET, Debbie O’Brien, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, Kelechi Onyekwere, Senior Software Engineer, David Ortinau, Principal Product Manager at Microsoft, Simon Painter, Senior Developer at Müller Dairy, Jared Parsons, C# compiler lead, Sergio Pedri, Software Engineer II at Microsoft, Jonathan Peppers, Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, Josh Peterson, Cecil Phillip, Developer Advocate @ Stripe, Layla Porter, Live Coder, Microsoft MVP, GitHub Star, Rory Preddy, Microsoft Principal Cloud Advocate, Melony Qin, Product Manager at Microsoft.
More speakers are Luis Quintanilla, Program Manager, Microsoft, Claudia Regio, Product Manager, Laura Rodriguez, Staff SDK Engineer at Okta, Shay Rojansky, Principal software engineer on data access and performance at Microsoft, Sebastien Ros, Handsome, no French accent, Daniel Roth, Microsoft, Mike Rousos, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft, Steve Sanderson, Developer Max Schmitt, Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, Irina Scurtu, Microsoft MVP, Software Architect, Gaurav Seth, Microsoft – Director of Product Management, Dev Platforms & Languages, Gaurav Seth, Sr. Program Manager, Jason Shaver, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft, Xin Shi, Principal Software Engineer, Data & AI, Microsoft, Steve Smith, I Help Teams Deliver Better Software, Matt Soucoup, Principal Cloud Advocate – Microsoft, Taylor Southwick, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft, Sam Spencer, Product Manager, .NET, Beatriz Stollnitz, Principal Developer Advocate at Microsoft, Byron Tardif, Azure App Plat – Senior Program Manager, Mads Torgersen, Lead designer of the C# language at Microsoft, Stephen Toub, Partner Software Engineer, Microsoft, Jonathan “J.” Tower, Partner & Principal Consultant, Trailhead Technology Partners, Israel Ulelu, Software Engineer, Gerald Versluis, Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, Arthur Vickers, .NET Data Engineering Manager at Microsoft, Valentin Viennot, Product Manager, Ubuntu containers, Canonical, Michael Washington, Programmer, Maira Wenzel, Microsoft, Senior PM, Justin Yoo, Cloud Advocate, Architect, ex-Microsoft MVP, Speaker, Author, and Karel Zikmund, .NET team in Microsoft – Software Engineering Manager.
For more details about the 12th annual .NET Conf 2022 virtual event please visit the official website listed below.
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