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QuickFest 2024: A Virtual Conference for Accounting Professionals

July 16 | 8:00 am - July 17 | 5:00 pm EAT

The accounting industry is constantly evolving, and professionals in the field must stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. QuickFest 2024 emerges as a beacon of knowledge and networking in this dynamic landscape, offering a virtual conference that promises to educate, engage, and inspire.

Scheduled for July 16 – 17, 2024, QuickFest 2024 is a not-to-be-missed event for accountants, bookkeepers, and consultants worldwide. This virtual conference is designed to provide attendees with a wealth of information through expert-led webinars, all free of charge. It’s an opportunity for professionals to earn CPD points, enhance their expertise, and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of accounting.

The conference agenda is packed with sessions that cover a broad range of topics. Day one kicks off with a focus on QuickBooks Online, offering certification training and a deep dive into the latest features and updates of the platform. Attendees can look forward to learning about professional reporting, leveraging efficiencies, and enhancing client collaboration.

Day two continues with sessions aimed at driving business outcomes and fostering growth within accounting firms. Marketing strategies, client management, and insights from industry leaders are on the docket, ensuring that participants leave with actionable knowledge to apply to their practices.

QuickFest 2024 is more than just a conference; it’s a community event that brings together global industry leaders and peers to share experiences and learn from one another. With limited spaces available, it’s an exclusive chance for accounting professionals to unlock a treasure trove of resources, including a QuickFest Workbook and a free eBook pack designed specifically for the accounting and bookkeeping industry.

For those interested in attending, registration is open, and with the event being virtual, it’s accessible from anywhere in the world. QuickFest 2024 stands as a testament to the commitment to excellence and continuous learning within the accounting profession. It’s an event where knowledge meets opportunity, and every attendee is set to gain valuable insights that could shape the future of their practice.

For more details and to secure your spot at this transformative event, visit the official QuickFest 2024 website.

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July 16 | 8:00 am EAT
July 17 | 5:00 pm EAT
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