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Posted: June 5, 2023 | by Michael Bright

Manjaro is a user-friendly, desktop-oriented Linux distribution based on the Arch Linux operating system. It aims to provide an accessible and intuitive experience for both beginners and advanced users while retaining the power and flexibility of Arch Linux.

Here are some key aspects and features of Manjaro:

  1. Arch Linux Base: Manjaro is built upon the solid foundation of Arch Linux, which is known for its cutting-edge software, rolling release model, and extensive customization options. By leveraging Arch Linux, Manjaro benefits from a large software repository and access to the Arch User Repository (AUR), which provides a vast collection of user-contributed packages.
  2. User-Friendly Approach: Manjaro aims to be user-friendly and accessible to users of all experience levels. It provides a graphical installer, a preconfigured desktop environment, and a user-friendly package manager called “Pamac.” Manjaro also focuses on delivering a stable and reliable system by thoroughly testing updates before they are released to the users.
  3. Multiple Desktop Environments: Manjaro offers different official editions with different desktop environments, including Xfce, KDE Plasma, GNOME, and more. This allows users to choose their preferred desktop environment and customize their Manjaro experience according to their needs and preferences.
  4. Rolling Release Model: Manjaro follows a rolling release model, which means that updates are continuously released and users can receive the latest software versions without the need for major version upgrades. This model provides a more fluid and up-to-date experience, as users have access to the latest features and bug fixes.
  5. Stable and Reliable: Despite being a rolling release distribution, Manjaro puts emphasis on stability and reliability. Before releasing updates, the Manjaro team tests them extensively to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of breaking the system. This approach balances the desire for up-to-date software with the need for a stable and predictable operating system.
  6. Easy Package Management: Manjaro utilizes Pacman, the package manager from Arch Linux, to handle software installation, updates, and dependency management. Additionally, Pamac, a user-friendly graphical package manager, provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing software packages and accessing the AUR.
  7. Active Community and Support: Manjaro has a vibrant and active community of users and developers who contribute to the project, provide support, and share their knowledge. The community-driven nature of Manjaro ensures that users can find help and resources easily.
  8. Wide Hardware Compatibility: Manjaro aims to provide out-of-the-box support for a wide range of hardware, including both older and newer systems. It includes a variety of drivers and firmware by default, making it easier to get Manjaro up and running on different hardware configurations.

Manjaro is designed to offer a balance between the accessibility of a user-friendly distribution and the power and customization options of Arch Linux. It provides a stable, rolling release experience, a variety of desktop environments to choose from, and a strong community support network. This makes Manjaro an attractive option for users seeking a beginner-friendly Linux distribution without compromising on customization and flexibility.

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