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Plasma (KDE)

Posted: June 2, 2023 | by Michael Bright

Plasma is the desktop environment developed by the KDE community, an international team of volunteers and contributors. It is designed to provide a user-friendly and customizable desktop experience for Linux-based operating systems. Plasma is known for its modern and visually appealing interface, extensive configurability, and a wide range of features.

Here are some key aspects and features of Plasma:

  1. Desktop Environment: Plasma offers a complete desktop environment that includes the graphical shell, taskbar, system tray, desktop widgets, file manager, and other essential components. It provides a unified and intuitive interface for users to interact with their computer and applications.
  2. Customization and Theming: Plasma is highly customizable, allowing users to personalize the appearance and behavior of their desktop. Users can choose from various themes, color schemes, desktop layouts, and widgets to create a desktop environment that suits their preferences and workflows.
  3. Activities and Virtual Desktops: Plasma introduces the concept of activities, which are different sets of applications, widgets, and settings that can be associated with specific tasks or workspaces. Users can create multiple activities to organize their workflow and switch between them seamlessly. Plasma also supports virtual desktops, enabling users to have multiple independent desktop spaces for better organization and multitasking.
  4. Widget Framework: Plasma includes a powerful widget framework called Plasma Widgets, also known as Plasmoids. These widgets provide a way to extend the functionality of the desktop and display various types of information and interactive elements. Users can add widgets to their desktop or panel to access weather information, system monitors, media players, application launchers, and much more.
  5. Integration with KDE Applications: Plasma integrates tightly with the KDE Applications suite, which includes a wide range of software for various tasks such as office productivity, multimedia, graphics editing, development, and more. The seamless integration ensures a cohesive and consistent user experience across different applications.
  6. KRunner: KRunner is a versatile application launcher and command runner in Plasma. It provides quick access to applications, files, system settings, and online services. Users can launch applications, perform calculations, open files, run commands, and even search the web directly from KRunner.
  7. System Settings: Plasma provides an extensive system settings panel that allows users to configure various aspects of their desktop environment, including display settings, input devices, network connections, power management, appearance, privacy settings, and more. The settings are organized in a user-friendly manner, making it easy to customize the system according to individual preferences.

Plasma is the default desktop environment for KDE neon, Kubuntu, openSUSE, and other Linux distributions that use KDE as their primary desktop environment. It is highly regarded for its flexibility, aesthetics, and rich set of features, making it a popular choice among Linux users who value customization and productivity.

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