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SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

Posted: June 1, 2023 | by Michael Bright

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is a file format used for describing two-dimensional vector graphics in XML (Extensible Markup Language). SVG files are widely used for displaying graphics and images on the web and other digital platforms.

Unlike raster graphics formats (such as JPEG or PNG), which are based on a grid of pixels, SVG is based on mathematical equations and coordinates that define shapes, lines, curves, and colors. This vector-based approach allows SVG images to be scaled up or down without losing quality or introducing pixelation. SVG graphics can be resized to any size without loss of detail, making them ideal for responsive web design and high-resolution displays.

SVG supports a wide range of graphical elements, including basic shapes (such as rectangles, circles, and lines), paths (defined by a series of points and curves), text, gradients, transparency, and transformations (such as scaling, rotation, and skewing). It also supports interactivity and animation through scripting languages like JavaScript.

One of the key advantages of SVG is its ability to be edited and manipulated directly using text-based editing tools. SVG files are human-readable and can be created or modified using text editors or specialized vector graphics editing software. This makes it easy to customize and modify SVG graphics as needed.

SVG files can be embedded directly into HTML documents using the <svg> element or included as external files and referenced using the <img> or <object> tags. SVG images can also be styled and animated using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) or scripted with JavaScript, allowing for dynamic and interactive graphics on web pages.

SVG has gained popularity in web design, data visualization, iconography, and user interface design due to its scalability, flexibility, and ability to create visually rich and responsive graphics. It has become a widely supported standard across web browsers and is also compatible with many design and editing tools.

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