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How to Force Composer to Use a Specific PHP Version

Composer is a popular dependency manager for PHP that allows you to manage your project’s libraries and dependencies with ease. However, there might be situations where you need to force Composer to use a specific PHP version, especially if you’re working in a development environment with multiple PHP versions installed. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to ensure Composer uses the PHP version you require.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Multiple PHP versions installed on your system.
  • Composer installed on your system.

Checking Installed PHP Versions

You can check the PHP versions installed on your system by running:

$ php -v
$ php8.2 -v
$ php8.3 -v

Replace php7.4 and php8.0 with the appropriate commands for your installed PHP versions.

Methods to Force Composer to Use a Specific PHP Version

There are several methods to force Composer to use a specific PHP version:

  1. Using the composer.json configuration file
  2. Using environment variables
  3. Using PHP aliases
  4. Using the composer command with a specific PHP binary

Method 1: Using the composer.json Configuration File

You can specify the PHP version requirement directly in your composer.json file. This method ensures that Composer checks for the specified PHP version before proceeding with any operations.

Step 1: Update composer.json

Open your composer.json file and add the following configuration under the config section:

    "config": {
        "platform": {
            "php": "8.3.0"

Replace 7.4.0 with the desired PHP version.

Step 2: Run Composer Commands

After updating your composer.json file, you can run Composer commands as usual. Composer will use the specified PHP version defined in the platform configuration:

$ composer install

Method 2: Using Environment Variables

You can set the COMPOSER_PLATFORM environment variable to specify the PHP version.

Step 1: Set the Environment Variable

In your terminal, set the COMPOSER_PLATFORM environment variable to the desired PHP version:

$ export COMPOSER_PLATFORM=8.3.0

Step 2: Run Composer Commands

With the environment variable set, Composer will use the specified PHP version for its operations:

$ composer install

Method 3: Using PHP Aliases

You can create an alias for the desired PHP version and use it with Composer.

Step 1: Create a PHP Alias

Add the alias to your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.):

alias php=php8.3

Replace php8.3 with the desired PHP version.

Step 2: Reload Shell Configuration

Reload your shell configuration to apply the alias:

$ source ~/.bashrc

Step 3: Run Composer Commands

With the alias set, you can run Composer commands, and the specified PHP version will be used:

$ composer install

Method 4: Using the composer Command with a Specific PHP Binary

You can directly specify the PHP binary when running Composer commands.

Step 1: Run Composer with Specific PHP Binary

Use the desired PHP binary to run Composer commands:

$ php8.3 /usr/local/bin/composer install

Replace php8.3 with the path to the desired PHP version binary and /usr/local/bin/composer with the path to your Composer binary.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you have PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3 installed on your system, and you need Composer to use PHP 8.2 for a specific project.

  1. Using composer.json:
    { "config": { "platform": { "php": "8.2.0" } } }
    $ composer install
  2. Using Environment Variables:
    $ export COMPOSER_PLATFORM=8.2.0 composer install
  3. Using PHP Aliases: Add to ~/.bashrc:
    $ alias php=php8.2 Reload:
    $ source ~/.bashrc composer install
  4. Using Specific PHP Binary:
    $ php8.2 /usr/local/bin/composer install


Forcing Composer to use a specific PHP version is essential when managing projects with different PHP version requirements. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can ensure Composer operates with the PHP version you need, providing a smooth development experience. Choose the method that best suits your workflow and project requirements.

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