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Laravel 9.49 Release With Enum Arrays now Available

Laravel 9.49 release is now available for general availability. This new release comes with support for casting collection or array of enums as contributed by Ralph J. Smit.

With CLI prompts, Laravel 9.49 brings the ability to automatically prompt the user for missing command arguments instead of returning an error. This feature was contributed by Jess Archer.

Two new TestResponse JSON assertion methods for asserting that JSON is an array and asserting that JSON is an object have been contributed by Seth Phat.

missing” validation rules are now included in this version. This is a strict version of the prohibits validation rule. This is where the field under validation must not be present in the input data. Tim MacDonald contributed this feature.

There are now new HTTP client response error handling methods as contributed by Wendell Adriel. These include:


Other new features in Laravel 9.49 release include configurable timezone support for queue worker output by Matias Mäki as well as contributions from Erfan Hemmati introducing a noActionOnDelete() method to migrations for foreign keys.

Pascal Huberts contributed a forceDeleteQuietly() method that forces a hard delete on a soft-deleted model without raising any events:

Finally Array sortDesc() method which sorts an array in descending order by its values was contributed by Timur Fralik.

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework based on Symfony and created by Taylor Otwell. It is used for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern.

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