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New CLion 2016.3 EAP Build With Fixes Announced

The team at JetBrains have announced the new CLion 2016.3 EAP Build for immediate availability. This is a bug fix build that generally improves the stability of the release.

CLion is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for building software application in C/C++.

Highlights of the Current CLion 2016.3 EAP Build

The “Local variable is only assigned but never accessed.” false positive is now fixed with this building making the code analysis feature more acurate. There is also added support for the __attribute__(unused) thereby no more warnings about unused variables.

Other issues fixed include the Doxygen comment generation issue in directive block. The issue of the IDE hanging when updating indices while a modal window is opened has been fixed as well..

To get a full list of the fixes with this build you can follow this link here.

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