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How to Transfer All MySQL Databases from Old to New Server

Moving your MySQL databases from an old server to a new one is a common task when upgrading hardware, migrating to a different hosting provider, or simply reconfiguring your infrastructure. This process requires careful planning and execution to ensure data integrity and minimal downtime. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps to transfer all your MySQL databases from the old server to the new one.

Note: Before proceeding, make sure you have full access to both the old and new servers and have administrative privileges for MySQL. Additionally, always back up your databases and configurations to avoid data loss.

Step 1: Backup Databases on the Old Server

The first step in transferring MySQL databases is to create a backup on the old server. You can use the mysqldump tool to generate SQL dump files for each database. Open your terminal and run the following command for each database:

$ mysqldump -u username -p dbname > dbname.sql
  • Replace username with your MySQL username.
  • Replace dbname with the name of the database you want to back up.
  • You will be prompted to enter your MySQL password.

Repeat this command for each database you want to transfer.

Step 2: Copy Backup Files to the New Server

Once you have generated backup files for all your databases, transfer these files to the new server. You can use various methods like SCP, SFTP, or a simple file transfer tool to move the .sql files to the new server.

$ scp dbname.sql username@new_server_ip:/path/to/destination
  • Replace dbname.sql with the name of the backup file.
  • Replace username with your username on the new server.
  • Replace new_server_ip with the IP address or hostname of the new server.
  • Replace /path/to/destination with the directory where you want to store the backup file on the new server.

Step 3: Restore Databases on the New Server

After copying the backup files to the new server, it’s time to restore your databases. Log in to the new server and navigate to the directory containing the backup files. Then, run the following command for each database:

$ mysql -u username -p dbname < dbname.sql
  • Replace username with your MySQL username on the new server.
  • Replace dbname with the name of the database you want to restore.
  • You will be prompted to enter your MySQL password.

Repeat this command for each database backup file you transferred.

Step 4: Update Database Users and Privileges

Database users and their privileges are associated with the MySQL server, not the databases themselves. Therefore, you need to ensure that user accounts and permissions are correctly configured on the new server. This can involve creating the same users with the same passwords and privileges they had on the old server.

To create a user, run the following command on the new server:

CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Replace 'username' with the desired username and 'password' with the user’s password.

After creating the users, grant them the necessary privileges for the specific databases they should access:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO 'username'@'localhost';

Make sure to replace 'dbname' with the actual database name, 'username' with the username you created, and 'localhost' with the appropriate hostname or IP address.

Step 5: Test the Databases on the New Server

Once you’ve restored the databases and recreated the user accounts, it’s essential to test the functionality of your applications on the new server. Verify that your data is intact and that any connections and queries are working as expected.

Step 6: Update DNS and Configuration Files (if necessary)

If you’re migrating to a new server with a different IP address or domain, update your DNS records and any configuration files in your applications to point to the new server. This step is critical for ensuring that traffic is directed to the correct server after the migration.

Step 7: Monitor for Issues

After completing the migration, it’s crucial to monitor the new server for any issues, performance bottlenecks, or discrepancies in data. Check your server logs, database performance, and user reports to ensure everything is functioning correctly.


Transferring all your MySQL databases from an old server to a new one can be a complex process, but with careful planning and execution, it can be achieved without significant downtime or data loss. Remember to create backups, copy and restore databases, update user accounts and privileges, test your applications, and monitor the new server for any issues. Properly executed, this migration ensures a seamless transition to a new server, allowing you to take advantage of improved hardware or infrastructure while maintaining the integrity of your data.

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