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Node 7.6.0 Release is a now Available

Node 7.6.0 Release has been announced for immediate availability and can now be downloaded online. This update comes with improvements and updates for dependencies as well as a range of bug fixes.

Node.js as it is better known is a JavaScript runtime built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event driven, non-blocking I/O model. Node.js is also the basis for the package ecosystem, npm, for open source libraries.

Highlights of Node 7.6.0 Release

There is a backport update to Chrome’s V8 Engine Version 5.5 including fixes to breaking UTF-8 decoder changes, recovery of ABI/API compatibility with V8 5.4 and compatibility patches with all platforms supported by v7.x

Support for libuv has been upgraded to v1.11.0 while node-inspect is up to v1.10.4. zlib has also been upgraded to v1.2.11.

Other changes can be found in lib, crypto where expired certs from CNNIC whitelist have been removed. inspector and fs get updates too where it now allows WHATWG URL objects as paths. src now supports UTF-8 in compiled-in JS source files while url now has extend url.format to support WHATWG URLs.

You can read on the changes in more details on the release log here. You can also skip that and go ahead to the download page found here.

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