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Cppcheck 1.77 Static Code Analysis Tool is now Available

The open source Cppcheck 1.77 Update has been announced for general availability. This latest release comes with a host of improvements and a few bug fixes.

Cppcheck is a static C and C++ code analysis tool. What this tool does, is it checks for real errors in code with reduced to no risk of detecting false positives. It is designed to check for bugs which compilers normally overlook. It is also good to note that this tool does not normally detect syntax errors.

Furthermore, Cppcheck comes with a rich assortment of plugins for your favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and C++ development tools. There is a plugin for CLion by JetBrains, Code::Blocks and CodeDx. Codelite, CppDepend 5 and Eclipse are also covered.

You can also find a plugin for,gedit Hudson and Jenkins. The popular Visual Studio and Qt Creator also have plugins to integrate Cppcheck. Other source control systems that support Cppchek include Mercurial, Tortoise SVN and Git (Linux).

What’s new in the Cppcheck 1.77 Tool

Incremental analysis and inter-file checking are now supported in this version via a new flag.--cppcheck-build-dir There is also improved support for Visual Studio solutions. There is also support for the build directory through the Command-line Interface (CLI).

New checks making their debut include detection of pointer overflow and detection of usage of a variable after std::move or std::forward.

Other improvements include warnings about number and char literals in boolean expressions plus checks for modified variables which are then never used. There is an improved simplification of Null values. Function return values and casts get improved ValueFlow and you can now specify in the Libraries. These allow for more accurate checking.

There are several improvements to the following configurations: windows.cfg, posix.cfg, gnu.cfg, and std.cfg as well as re-implemented checks for using iterators of mismatching containers.

You can find out more about Cppcheck by taking a look at the list of checks here. Meanwhile, you can download the latest release on the official project location and download page here.

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