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Flutter 1.20 Release SDK is now Available for Download

Flutter 1.20 Release SDK has been announced for general availability and is now available for download and use in production environments. This version comes with some new features, breaking changes and bug fixes.

Flutter is Google‘s is free and open-source mobile UI framework for developing high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android.

Some of the highlights with the new Flutter release include multiple performance improvements within the rendering engine and the Dart language itself. There are several UI enhancements including autofill.

There is now support for pan and zoom, new mouse cursor support, and updates to some of the Material widgets including Material Slider, RangeSlider, TimePicker, and DatePicker.

Also included is a new responsive licenses page available from the AboutDialog, a new pubspec.yaml format required for publishing plugins, and a preview of embedded Dart DevTools in Visual Studio Code.

There are also updates to network tracking and a host of breaking changes. You can get more information on how to get started with the new Flutter 1.20 Release SDK as well as updating information from the official documentation website here.

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