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Multiple Coordinate Spaces; Theory of 3D Math for Computer Graphics – Part 3
We continue with the third part of our series on the theory of 3D…
The C++ Standard Template Library Associative Containers – Part 4
Welcome to the third tutorial in the C++ Standard Template Library…
The C++ Standard Template Library Linked List and Deque – Part 3
In this 3rd part of the C++ Standard Template Library tutorial we…
Jetson TX1, the Little Super Computer From NVIDIA
There is a high-performance, low-energy computing module and platform…
The First KDevelop 5.0.0 Beta
KDevelop, was first released in December 1999. Along the way, it has…
Progress on C++17
The C++ Standardization Committee C++17 Progress Update Ye another…
rr 4.0 Released for General Availability
Mozilla has announced the release of rr 4.0. The latest release of…
Qt Creator 3.5.1 Released
Qt Creator 3.5.1 Now Available for Download Qt Creator the open…
The New Qt 5.5.1 Released
The New Qt 5.5.1 Released and Available for Immediate Download The Qt…
BDE 3.0 Open Source Released
Bloomberg has released their C++ libraries for large-scale commercial…
The C++ Standard Template Library Vector Sequence Container – Part 2
In this article, which is the second in the C++ Standard Template…
OOVCDE C++ Automated Analysis Gets an Update
OOVCDE is an automated object-oriented analysis tool and development…
Good Programmers Code that Humans Understand
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good…
Code Maintained by a Violent Psychopath
Code as if whoever maintains your program is a violent psychopath who…
That is what we Expect Programmers to Do
I wonder how many great novelists have never read someone else’s…
The 90 Percent Software Development Time Principal
The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of…
Writing a Complicated Computer Program
If you haven’t spent at least a month working on the same…
The Message to the Serious Programmer
My message to the serious programmer is: spend a part of your working…
Love Letter to the Hardware
In the early years of programming, a program was regarded as the…
The Fool and Successful Software
Any fool can defend his or her mistakes and most fools do. Dale…
Modern C++ Core Guidelines
I was originally going to share this as a link but I just had to…
Here is a Dead Program
A dead program normally does a lot less damage than a crippled one.…
Programmers as Craftspeople
Programmers are craftspeople trained to use a certain set of tools…
Classic Spaghetti Code
Programs that use exceptions as part of their normal processing…
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