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The GeForce GTX 1080 now Supports NVIDIA VRWorks SDK
NVIDIA has announced the added support for VRWorks SDK on the…
The new Rust 1.9 Release Announced
A few weeks after the release of the previous version, the Rust…
Get Your Copy of the Latest FreeRTOS V9.0.0 Release
The FreeRTOS development team Real Time Engineers Ltd have announced…
The New MariaDB Connector/J 1.4.4 Now Out
The open source MariaDB Connector/J 1.4.4 has been given a facelift…
A new Update of rr 4.2.0 Record and Replay is Out
Mozilla has announced the release of rr 4.2.0. The name does not say…
Kotlin 1.0.2 Update is now Available
The fellows at JetBrains have announced the release of Kotlin 1.0.2…
The Difference Between BIOS vs UEFI Boot Systems
Today we are looking at how the BIOS vs UEFI adds benefits to our…
Microsoft’s SQL Server 2016 set for June 1 Release
Microsoft has announced the upcoming release of SQL Server 2016. The…
The Release of POCO 1.7.3 has Been Announced
The widely popular POCO C++ Libraries gets another update making the…
How do Computers get Slower Over Time
There is an age-old question as to whether computers get slow over…
Getting up to Speed With Vivaldi 1.1
Vivaldi 1.1 comes just about three weeks after the original version…
The Sun Sets on Qt Cloud Services
Back in January 2016, it was announced that Qt Cloud Services would…
The Freshest Web Browser Vivaldi 1.0 Review
This is the reveal of the definitive Vivaldi 1.0 review. The newest…
Vivaldi 1.0 Finally Released
Oslo based Vivaldi Technologies, an employee-owned company has…
Using the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) in Game Development
Generally, you want to avoid wasting time creating your own data…
Of Speed, Memory and the Data Set in Computers
What is size? It is all relative. Depending a lot on the speed and…
A Quick Overview of an Assembly Language
Assembly Language is a low-level programming language specific to a…
Importance of Memory Management in C++
C++ has pointers, whereas Java and C# do not. All three languages…
Qt Creator 3.5.1 Released
Qt Creator 3.5.1 Now Available for Download Qt Creator the open…
OOVCDE C++ Automated Analysis Gets an Update
OOVCDE is an automated object-oriented analysis tool and development…
Classic Spaghetti Code
Programs that use exceptions as part of their normal processing…
A Well Designed Module
The single most important factor that distinguishes a well designed…
No Hurry with the Design Process
We try to solve the problem by rushing through the design process so…
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